Senin, 28 April 2014

Selection of Legislative Candidates ninth day of April 2014

evening of April 2014 to the nine I still wrestle with his vacillating between yes and no heart to witness his nation corrupt candidates.
on one side of the blind bids mortality politics, okay I received.
            bold face to fill the old wallet respiratory unallocated red sheets. morning came hope this work be a blessing and experience. past six in the morning I went to the polls at my assigned polling place is at number four two.  my duty to count the number of ballots in the party where I became a witness.  at the polling station number four two PDIP won the most votes.
           My task was completed at midnight .This my story about this year's election
thank you


NAMA  : Muchtar . S
NPM      : 15213669
Kelas     : 1EA25

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